Hope Springs Institute is ecstatic to launch its fresh-faced, image saturated, and user-friendly NEW website!
Still located at HopeSpringsInstitute.org, HSI friends and newcomers will continue to be able to peruse upcoming programs, support the mission and vision of HSI, and learn why Hope Springs is such a unique and special place.
What’s new? We’re glad you asked! Here’s how we updated the user experience:
A beautiful new look and feel for the entire website that is engaging, easy to navigate, and visually pleasing.
Comprehensive yet airy and welcoming home page (aka the electronic front porch of HSI).
Expedited program registration via a shopping cart process, that also requests accessibility and dietary requirements.
Considerable streamlining on the backend to support and facilitate the work of the staff and the Board of Directors.
This last point is really important and revolutionary for HSI because our website, merchandising service, and our database will now "talk" with each so that information is automatically shared, easy to find, and require no to very little manual entry. We are entering a new phase in HSI's advancement and development and we couldn't be happier!
In this spirit, if you have any fresh high quality photos of your Hope Springs experiences that you would like to share with us for possible use on the website, send us an email with the subject line "Website Photos" to HopeSpringsWebsite@gmail.com. We'd love to have new and refreshed gallery options!
We have a cadre of people to thank for for all the work that has gone into making this website renovation possible:
Katie and Greg Fox for expert technical assistance and platform integrations
Nan Miller for guiding the process through the committee
Jules Myers for bringing together a talented team and providing vision and direction
Sarah Cannon for never, never giving up and keeping our original site running
Michelle Rivera-Clonch for envisioning and creating the new website
We hope you like the website as much as we do!